Too bad you can't press out expression lines like you press your clothes. The key to having smooth skin is maintenance, maintenance, maintenance! In the war against aging, it's good to know your enemy.
There are two types of wrinkles: static and dynamic. Static wrinkles are the ones that are visible even without muscle contraction. They are the result of years of expression and the hardest to defeat. Dynamic wrinkles are present only when your muscles contract. Dynamic wrinkles are basically static wrinkles in training, and that's why prevention is your best friend.
Wrinkle prevention can be broken down into three steps: exfoliate, debilitate, and defend. Exfoliation boosts collagen production and polishes away fine lines while preventing new ones from forming. It is a good idea to exfoliate both at home daily, and with a skincare specialist at least quarterly. At Nuveau, we encourage a minimum of four yearly professional grade microdermabrasions or chemical peels. Smokers, acne prone skin, and aged skin may need more treatments than four times per yer. Home care generally consists of using a retinol or glycolic acid to increase cell turn over. However, everyone's skin is unique and no one regimen will work best for everyone. Therefore it is always best to consult with a professional to find a home regimen that works best for you.
The next step is to debilitate. Botox is the best way to prevent dynamic lines from becoming static. However, I notice a lot of people are very leery of this treatment. I always hear women say, "Well I don't want to start Botox until I absolutely need it." Actually Botox is preventative! In order for it to be effective you want to start it before your skin looks like crepe paper! Botox actually immobilizes the muscle that causes the wrinkle you are targeting, therefore your dynamic wrinkle has no chance of becoming static. If immobilizing muscles in your face sounds intimidating, that's because it's best to proceed with caution. Never go to just anyone for injections! You want to see a skincare specializing doctor with stellar reviews for great natural results.
Finally, you have to defend your skin from the environment. Sun exposure, harsh weather, and pollution wreak havoc on your skin by unleashing free radicals to attack and weaken your cells. This causes premature aging. Boo! How do you fight off free radicals? Protect yourself from the sun, eat a nourishing and antioxidant filled diet, get plenty of sleep and exercise, hydrate, and avoid pollutants like cigarette smoke! Your skin is your first defense against illness and your largest organ. If your skin is unhealthy, it's a good indicator that your lifestyle may be unhealthy too.
(A little worn, but still a princess.)
If your reflection already resembles this one, you may want to take more advanced steps. Visit us to learn about dermal fillers and laser treatments that can help you turn back the hands of time! Call 713-526-1220 or check us out online at
-The only lines that are good lines are smile lines!
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