Beauty rest is no laughing matter. At night our body goes into full scale repair mode. It has a great big job to do and that's why your evening routine is so important. Did you know that you can aid your beauty rest even more by paying attention to what you're sleeping on? Everyone needs a satin pillowcase.
Cotton might be the fabric of our lives but it's a bedtime beauty nightmare. Have you ever woken up to the dreaded pillowcase imprints? I know I've taken that look to work with me on several occasions. How's a girl to look well rested when she has the evidence of last nights slumber across her mug? Satin pillowcases reduce friction, letting your skin move and preventing fabric creases. The decrease in friction also benefits your hair by minimizing flyways and breakage. Now nobody has to know that you snoozed the alarm once, twice.....or even thrice. ;)
Cotton is also very absorbent, which is great for spills but tough on your skin and hair. You pay good money for your luxury moisturizers. Don't let you pillow suck up your investment. Switch to satin to reduce the absorbency and keep the moisture where you need it most!
Make the most of your pillowcases by washing them every week to reduce bacteria. If you have pets that sleep with you, your pillowcase needs to be in constant rotation. Furry babies might be great for cuddling but they bring all kinds of icky germs to bed with you.
Finally, there is something simply divine about a shiny satin pillowcase. It just oozes with glamour. I don't know about you, but I go full diva with my sleeping mask and all. When the alarm buzzes I'm just Megan again, but at night I sleep like a queen....always on satin.
Happy napping,
Queen M